Jamica J. LaSonde
Chief, Deterrence and Assurance Analysis Division (J57)
U.S. Strategic Command
Ms. LaSonde is the Division Chief for the Deterrence and Assurance Analysis Division within the USSTRATCOM Policy and Plans Directorate (J5). Among her key responsibilities are providing deterrence analysis expertise and products for strategy, plans, and assessment development, analyzing existing and future strategies, policy and planning concepts through the conduct of experiments, war games, and other evaluations, and synchronizing, coordinating, and executing USSTRATCOM international key leader engagements in support of USSTRATCOM efforts to assure Allies of U.S. extended deterrence commitments. Additionally, Ms. LaSonde promotes the conduct of research to explore the Command’s applications of deterrence theory while developing a broader appreciation for deterrence challenges through the encouragement of innovative thinking to address the complex deterrence challenges fostered by the current security environment.